Monday 29 February 2016

LSD Live - Editing

Our client couldn't turn up today to watch back our videos, so we had a quick meeting with all the levels looking for extras and crew for their shoots (I put my name forward for all of them as I know how painful looking for extras can be). I'm pretty excited for their noir scene where we need to come suited and booted. 

We were left to our own devices today so I took the time to edit out live gig footage from Friday. It turns out Richard is also editing this so we are now having a private competition to see who's is the best. I found an easy way out and make different tracks for the different cameras so it's easier to sync them up, and then edit between them. Richard has not done this and was reluctant at first to include other cameras as it would look "mismatched". Since I had done this, I was done at around 15:45.

Lots 'o layers.

I also included some cut aways at the start of all the pretty lights and disco balls in the bar. The sound was a bit dodgy as I foretold, but I managed to fix it with a mixture of Janice's camera's mic and the master camera's mic. It not the best sound ever, but it will have to do. 

We also showed the actors what we have done so far and our drafts. They seemed very happy with the results, Ryan even said we "would get a good mark" for it. 

While waiting (ages) for the file to export, I found and watched the tech dem I missed on vision mixing. The thing they actually recorded afterwards with the blue screen and Rosie the baby was terrifying and also the best thing ever.

Overall I am happy with the results! I hope the clients will be too!

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