Tuesday 23 February 2016

Group... 4?

Our clients for our live project have a gig coming up on Friday. After reminding the group, half of those who were interested dropped out, leaving me and Janice a bit stuck. We had to find another two members or we can't film. 

Filming gigs and bands is what I want to do as a career. I love both Films and Music. Every time I go to gigs with live feeds on screens, I always think to myself "this is what I want to do when I grow up" (haha like I'll grow up).  I was very lucky to have this as a live project. (this is turning into a sob story so I'll wrap this up). So of course I jumped at this chance to film a live concert. I just hope we can still get the kit out and record. Even if we don't get it in our music videos, it's still something to edit and also give to our client. 

So far me, Janice and Jamie have put our names forward. We need one more member or we can't film, which would be such a shame. I don't want to let go of this opportunity so I really hope we can get someone.

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