Wednesday 10 February 2016

Live Project - Editing/Production Schedule

Today was mostly preparing a production schedule for Sunday. We talked to Darcy about availability of the band and 2 of them can't make it Sunday, but can the week after. So we have dibs on that night. Hopefully the other band members will still come Sunday (with their instruments as we don't have these!) so we can still do their close ups. He also said they gave a few hours that they were free but no full days which would have been more useful.

After definates from the band, I started working on call sheets, since Janice was busy tracking down roller derby's that were free on Sunday for extras. It would be fab for production values if we do get them, but if not, we can ask a few people off the streets to pretend to roller skate. 

I set Jack and Ryan away on scanning in storyboards, uploading details about the test footage (since they are both camera ops) and recces of locations on the VLE.

Beth did a few risk assessments and then went to edit and try and do the Tetris effect but with more Tertis-y shapes. 

I gave her a challenge to recreate some of Ryan's storyboards including one jigsaw effect and a message sending effect. She did both really well (proud!!) I haven't seen the exported footage but the screenshots look really good!!

In the afternoon, Lee found a SFX make up kit which we also booked out for Sunday. I gave Beth and Janice the task of trying to recreate a gash (since one of the endings requires a cut in the robot's leg that leaks oil, and that's how Terry finds out she's a robot and since they were the only ones at Uni to pick up the kit). 

Janice has also bought some more liquid latex but might not come in time for Sunday, but I would still like some sort of gash made on Sunday for now as I want a MCU of Jess with the gash. Lee also gave them gold dust which might look really cool around the gash and possibly leaking gold rather than grey oil. I've told them to experiment and upload pictures.

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