Wednesday 3 February 2016

Live Project - Location/Costume/Prop Adventure

Today we went looking for the studio the band are based/practice in. Took us a while, no thanks to Google maps and finally found it, with no sign or markings or anything- looks like a lockup building. At least we now know where it is and we can tell the actors where to go.

We then went looking for possible costumes or props we could use. We went into various charity shops and pound shops to see what tack we could get. We were successful. We also found some cool boots and dresses but we don't know what size the actor is going to be, so we just bought some shirts for now. We can come back for the dresses: after all I don't think people are going to buy this tack.

My favourite buy of the day is the leopard print jumper Beth is holding in the picture.

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