Tuesday 2 February 2016

Live Project - Possible Issues

We had a small meeting today about possible issues we may encounter when filming. Costume was a big one, but like I said in my last post, we will hunt for some on Wednesday. Charity shops will probably be packed with them. If not, we can tell extras to just wear something colourful or 80s. They might have some good costume.

The next was location. Janice found a skate park we could also use in Hartlepool for extra shots of skateboards (since they were also popular in the 80s). However, when Janice went to Reece check, there was a sign on the door saying 'closed until further notice' with a phone number. So we will ring up at some point saying if we could possibly film there.

Furthermore, if the worst happens and the roller derby drop out, Jack's Mam is a headteacher at a school and could offer us the school hall. This might be cheaper for us too. So far we only have one roller derby person up for filming (we have asked for a group but no reply so far) so the school hall maybe a possibility. 

Another was budget. Our budget is just out student loan, and we will pay for expenses out of our own pockets but split 5 ways (there are 5 in our group). I had another look into taxis and found a company called Road Runners that do a student discount. We will ring them up and ask for a quote.

I was also talking to group 3 about how we could make Terry find out Tracey is a robot as that is what the director in group three was wanting for his- Terry has found out and is trying to find her. So I messaged the group saying this and what we could so. We had a few different ideas so I thought what if we film possible endings- then the client can chose their favourite and we might get brownie points. I have updated the shot lists with the different endings.

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