Monday 8 February 2016

Live Project - PROGRESS!

Spirits were low this morning, officially in production week, with no solid locations and no actors. So after a lecture from Di saying "Facebook is not always the way forward", we went on a recruitment drive around the Uni looking for actors. At dinner time, we had three actors (two male, one female) turn up to audition. 

We then looked at the level 6's auditions and also the ones we recorded to see who best fit the parts so far. *UPDATE* I have an actress I am meeting up with tomorrow to record a quick audition with.

We then talked with Radha, the person who would make the costumes for the video. Turns out Dan only said to her to make a few band shirts, which then escalated quickly to 'make a robot female dress and some 80s cheese'. We are still going with the shirt idea- a few illustrations and bold prints on them. The woman could wear the shirt and a skater skirt, and knot the shirt for the roller disco to make it different. The guy could wear the shirt with a jacket and jeans. 

For make up and hair, Brad has someone who would be up for doing make up for all three of our productions which is fab. Hair is more than likely going to be sorted by us in our groups, or the make up person if she is up for it. 

I set Beth away with some editing practice with the test footage to see if she could recreate some cheesy effects and the Tetris look Jamie's group and the client were after. We (mostly Beth) had a few issues with trying to make them go the way we wanted using the key frames, but we just had them a tiny bit out compared to the others. We could have also just dragged them using the position menu. 

We have this so far which looks pretty awesome! Not too bad for novices at Avid.

Janice also went on an adventure to the Hillcarter which looks amazing inside. Apparently is has two floors, one that looks like a hall/perfect for a roller disco. It's pretty large too, and can fit a band in. And it's not far from the Uni so we can carry equipment easily. The second floor (no pictures of this as there was people in it and Janice didn't want to be rude) had pictures of Marilyn Monroe on and a carpet floor (not much use to us). This room, even though sounds pretty, would not fit anyone's video. Janice talked to see if we could use it with our small budget. Looks like we might have to pay since they are only open one day a week, but the man said that we might get a discounted price. Hopefully it's not too steep!

Jack and Connor were sent to scan in the storyboards and also think of what camera angles they wanted to do and take inspiration from. It might also be handy for them to research the AVC cameras and put it on their blog.

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