Friday 26 February 2016

LSD Live

Today, me, Janice, Richard, Jamie and Ethan went to KU Bar in Stockton to film our clients live as an extra bit on top of the music videos. If we don't use the footage in out music videos, it's still nice to edit together the live gig and give them it as well. This is for brownie points (please).

Equipment pick up at 3:45. We had to book out the P2's as another group wanted the AVC's and we had to do a trade with them tomorrow. This was fine as I have used them before. Lee also gave us a few handy pieces of equipment on top of the cameras like lights to put on them for crowd shots, monopods and sound cables and equipment so we could use their output and recorded it.

8:00pm at Spoons for pick up and we were told nothing. Luckily someone on the bus found our hoodies and guided us to the bus. We met Ethan and Jamie there since they live near Stockton. We set up quite fast since there were 5 of us and we knew what we were doing. We even had time to look around (and film some nice filler shots of all the neon signs) and enjoy the sound check.

Lost State of Dance performed quite late compared to the schedule on Facebook (they were due on at 10:30 but ended up not playing until 11:00, ish, maybe even later). We assigned roles: Richard and Ethan were in charge of the master camera (Richard was also in charge of sound on this and make sure the levels are fine as this one has a microphone and is most important for sound) and me and Janice were the secondary cameras getting close ups of the band. Jamie went home at this point but he was taking production stills and helped us set up (cheers Jamie!) 

The gig went really well! I haven't seen the footage back yet but what I got was really good. I was just a bit upset the crowd wasn't as active or drunk so we could film them dancing along. It was also really nice to hear all the songs live and in the flesh. A nice round off to Live Project.

I asked afterwards how everyone found it. Most were positive. I asked Richard if the sound was fine and he "doesn't know". I told him before to make sure the level's don't go in the red and showed him how to turn it down if they did. I looked back at him a few times during the show and he was enjoying the show with his headphones not plugged in, or anywhere near the camera. I wasn't very happy. I just hope the sound is alright (luckily I changed it during sound check but it did get louder during the show). 

We packed away very quickly and got Richard and the kit home and ready to hand over to John the next day. Me and Janice hung around with the camera we need to return (that John didn't book out) and the P2 cards to transfer the footage before we and over to John. Janice brought her laptop so we could do this at the venue and give it to John any time the next day. Transfer went quickly. We had time to enjoy the other band and watch everyone get drunk throughout the night (we didn't have much to drink as this is technically work). Me and Janice ended up getting back in Hartlepool at around 3:00 am. Commitment. Thanks Janice for letting me kip over as well!

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