Thursday 11 February 2016

Skating/Costume/Make Up/Location Recce

Today Jess kindly came in so we could sort out costume and also give her a go on the roller skates. She took to the roller skates like a duck to water and she had fun doing it which is always good news. Meanwhile, Ryan, Jack and Janice were shopping for liquid latex (which they ended up buying online) and UV paints for Sunday. 

After we fed Jess, me and Jamie Jones went scavenging in the chairty shops again but this time, with an actress in mind so we could get clothes that fit. We hit the jackpot in one chairty shop I forgot to go to last time which had very 80s dresses. I really like the orange dress for ours and Jimbob wants the purple one for his (but we're bringing it on Sunday too for extras). 

Me, Beth and Janice then hung out in the editing suite talking about special effects and finding weird videos that weren't necessarily relevant to us, but still looked cool, like this one. We were deciding that since we are going full on cheese this year, we should do a really gruesome horror next year.

Beth made huge progress editing today and has managed to save the edited effects so we can just drag them on clips without having to faff on again. This week for editing has saved so much time and it looks really good. Thanks Beth!!

Me, Beth, Janice and Brad then went to Recce check The Studio which we will be using on Sunday. This is the first time we've been here and I was very excited. While we were waiting however, a police van parked in front of us and two police officers knocked on the door. We thought it was a drugs bust or something but turns out this lass wanted to move in but got the wrong place. 

Anyways, the place is stunning! It's perfect. The stained glass windows would be an excellent framing device as well as some of the decorations like the Queen Elizabeth/Bowie painting and the 'on air' light. There's plenty space for the band to set up on stage, with a dais for the drums and plugs on each side of the stage. The owner gave us full permissions to use the PA system and the lights, but we are bringing our own as there are only a few and we also need to light up the dancefloor. 

There is also a toilet and a room around the back of the stage for make up and costume And a bar. Not sure how I could fit the bar in but it looks really awesome and won't hurt to film it a bit for cutaways. 

Jess also made this mood board for 80s make up and costumes (she is so into this role, it's great!) 

I am really excited for this Sunday and I can't wait to see what ideas I have in my head in real life. I am a very proud team leader right now.

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