Tuesday 9 February 2016

Costume and Make Up

Our videos have both elements from modern day society and the 80s, with a modern day boy and a 80s robot. Since our video is also very bright and colourful, we needed a costume to match, especially for the robot. I decided to have the robot in bright colours and the modern day man to be normal colours so we could clearly see the clashes in culture, which eventually leads to them breaking up in the next video (spoiler alert). 

The Boy

The modern boy didn't need much thought into costume as it was likely that the actor would have some sort of modern clothing we were after. 

I like the one with the white coat


Some of these are a bit smart, but this is research into modern men's clothing. We want something fairly casual. The white in the pictures will go with the bright lights, adding some aesthetic to the video. But we also want him to stand out since he is normal, with some dull colours, compared with the robot's bright in your face clothing and accessories.

The Girl

For the robot, I was thinking about a rah rah skirt and some leg warmers and all the cheesy 80s accessories. 


Most of my inspiration is from this picture, including the one glove on to look cool and the idea of the hat (I brought my hat with sequins on which would catch the light and look pretty). However her shirt is a bit dull and I wanted a dress so we could get some close ups of her twirling to match the lyrics and look awesome as she skated by.


Something a bit like this. Luckily we found the perfect dress in a charity shop. More about this adventure can be found here. 

For the make up, I thought the robot should be the only one wearing it to stand out and to show that she is fully immersed in the 80s. I wanted the make up to be similar to Bowie's Aladdin Sane lightning bolt as a tribute.


This is what we ended up with. The make up artist did a really good job as I told her the back story and told her to make it look robot-y with silvers and golds. I really like the blue too and the fact that it is not an exact copy of Bowie- it is subtle and still has our spin on it. 

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