Sunday 27 May 2018

DJW Talent LTD

Today me and Janice went down to Stockton to discuss possible opportunities with DJW Acting School. There were another two filmmakers there (and one that joined a bit later on) so I gave out business cards and networked. It wasn't quite clear what was being asked of us, and today was mostly speculating what could be done. There are two groups; a youth and adult, all of which have come up with pitches and performed pieces of them. Whether all of these can all be filmed or not is tricky, but I assume this exercise was just for us to see their acting ability. Dan (leader) was mostly after experience for everyone for in front of camera, especially for those going into contracts with CBBC with no camera experience under their belt. 

Janice came up with a good idea called Dear Brain which is essentially a ten second hot seat acting about anything they like, which could be like what they pitched. A day could be dedicated to this and a good way to start them off. I think everyone seemed to skim over this idea and wanted a mockumentary type film done. This is great but I'm not sure it would look very professional and showcase their talent. It was then discussed to have an in house production team, making regular films and maybe include some teaching like terms on set, etc. This would be very beneficial for everyone, but getting a hold of money for kit (they seem to want their own to keep) and to cover our time might be an issue (fundraising seemed to be their go to, but I'm not sure how much they could raise).

Dan sent out a long email the day after which really cleared everything up and was a lot more organised. It looks like Dan is leaning more towards an in house production team but is open from what happens after that and what to film. We need to come up with a cost for equipment, as well as wages for our time, so they know how much to fundraise. However it makes a bit of sense to see how much they can fundraise and we scavenge equipment from that. I'll still come up with a sum of the minimum we need. There is also a part of the email to come up with what to film, so it makes sense if Janice fills that part out and I do the sums of the equipment. I also need to see what wages the other filmmakers are going to put. I was thinking around £50 a day to cover expenses and our time. But if the other guys put £100 and they get it, I will be devastated! It's a good part time job but I would need another one to support me financially, especially if this is a once a week/irregular thing.

Friday 25 May 2018

Newcastle Graduates

Today I went to the end of year show/performance of the Newcastle University screenwriting graduates. Their script were being performed by five actors and was great to watch. A lot of them were very serious but the two comedies stood out to me and were hilarious. I gave out a few business cards and asked a few to send me some scripts (excerpts were only acted out) so filming them could be an option. I also know someone who does regular shows for them and might be good if I can get professional pictures and videos done for her and others.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

AJ Productions

Took on a last minute camera operating job/experience yesterday for a Panto video. I arrived in plenty of good time so I could meet everyone and set up. However, on the morning I was told that they were bringing their own camera operator. So I was demoted to runner and general helping out. Set up all the lights and camera in good time for the tech/sound guy and camera guy to turn up. 

Lee quickly showed me the settings on these lights to keep it one colour
I'm still not entirely sure what each one does but I got a warm tinge on them to stay

The tech guy wanted to put up photography lights for close up lighting. I struggled here as I have never used or put up any photography lights before but he was happy to show me how and we got it done very quickly. It was a bit like putting up a tent.

Everyone started to filter in that point and it went quite smoothly; the script was just stolen Tim Vine jokes! From here I was mostly handing the camera operator lenses and showed him how to get different settings up. 

Probably the best photo of the day!

They also got a quick 'Q and A' video in the Celestial Encounters set. Norman walked in at this point who was very keen and wanted pictures of them using the set (hope he doesn't mind they drank the fake rum!)

I was mostly eating biscuits at this point and being canned laughter. Next the cast did a photoshoot and the crew went home. I started moving equipment and backing up footage so they could grab it next time they're down (they didn't have anything to store it on!) 

Overall, a good shoot. Was done in good time and quite well organised! I also gave out a few business cards if they ever wanted me again for any projects!

Thursday 17 May 2018

Further Showreel Updates

I've marked this one separate to the others as this was done after Professional Practice hand in. I haven't put this on my website yet either for the same reason. This is more of an edited showreel for Degree Show as I thought I better include Hope footage. I also quickly colour corrected the eye shot as it was raw footage not used in the final cut, but I really liked the shot.

Sunday 13 May 2018

Final Thoughts

My Name is John is done! I'm happy with how it looks, there is some discussion about blurring a few faces in the self help group which could be tried out before Vue and might solve the issue we had with extras (and we had to grab students!). 

There's some discussion about making the entirety of Hope for the Vue show and festivals, however I'm not sure how available I will be with Castle Pin coming up. I would love to help out where I can though! I think at least we need to make the scenes link up a bit better, and try and make better transitions especially between the bedroom and animation scenes. Hopefully we will be able to get back in contact with Armarni too with material we could display for our Degree Show. 

MNIJ - Marketing and Festivals

For marketing My Name is John, I'm creating a Facebook page. John Archer is quite famous so will acquire quite a few likes. I'm also a member of a few fanpages I can post the page on. I'm also savvy in Twitter and Instagram so will probably make accounts on these too. Obviously the film is already made, but I could still make a fund raising page for festivals and post updates from them.

I have got the script and the film lined up to submit into festivals and made a quick list on FilmFreeway of ones that have drawn my attention (9 on the list at the moment and script submitted to 1 festival (East Anglican Film Festival)). I have mostly been looking at comedy and student film festivals. These ones looked particularly interesting;

The Charlie Chaplin Comedy Film Festival (

Submissions: June 1st [free]
Location: Ireland
Specifications: Up to 30 minutes. Two categories we are eligible for.
Awards: Award for each of the 4 categories
Festival Date: August 23rd-26th

London-Worldwide Comedy Short Film Festival (

Submissions: May 21st ($8 Student or UK Comedy Award)
Location: London
Specifications: 2-10 minutes
Awards: Awards for 14 categories 
Festival Date: September 21st