Saturday 12 May 2018

Hope - Marketing and Festivals

For marketing Hope, I predict we will be making a Facebook page like Cirque last year (plus Twitter and Instagram), which I need to talk to the director and main producer about. There were talks about making a comic book with Armarni's drawings and storyboards but not a lot of news on this lately which is a shame.

Even though I'm not managing the FilmFreeway page for Hope, I'm sending the director links to festivals that look interesting and could be entered for. Here are two I've pointed out (I've seen and sent about 4);

The Final Girls present We Are the Weirdos (

Submissions: June 30th [free]
Location: ??? UK somewhere
Specifications: Must be directed by female identifying filmmaker. Shorts up to 25 minutes. 
Awards: ???
Festival Date: October 25th-November 4th

Screentest: The National Student Film Festival (

Submissions: August 31st [free]
Location: London
Specifications: Made by students, max 20 minutes
Awards: Trophy. 1 general entry.
Festival Date: October 19th-21st

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