Saturday, 12 May 2018

Hope - Poster

My main poster submission is for My Name is John as I have no solid ideas for Hope. It would be cool to have a poster a bit like Crimson Peak so I had a bit of an experiment today on Photoshop and well... it doesn't look great!

At least I tried

So then I had an idea. The film is heavily based on Poltergeist and the TV scene so why not just copy the poster?

I identified the fonts used using I had a bit of trouble outlining the film title font, so I followed the instructions on this website, which involved highlighting the text, making a new layer and then doing the stroke for it (as for some reason it doesn't work directly on the text). 

I'm too late to hand this in for Professional Practice, but my main submission is the My Name is John poster, plus I'm pretty sure FMP only requires a poster handin.

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