Wednesday 17 February 2016

Dance Floor Filming: Day 2

Today was mostly a waiting game for the evening when our actors and band were free. I did help Beth edit in the session, more about this can be found here.

We got the actors in early at 4:30 to go through plans for tonight and to get Jess straight into make up. At 5 we moved to The Studio. Brad's group also came as they wanted the band playing live too. They gave us a hand getting the equipment over and setting everything up. 

The evening went off to a stressful start with us missing a few necessary props for Jess' costume, no extras to be seen, everything going walk about including nail varnish and a few pieces of equipment and my memory card not working. We managed to make do and found some of the missing props and borrowed Shaun's memory card. Cheers Shaun for that and also being stills photographer (with Ethan too!)

After I had calmed down, I got into the swing of things and told the actors what to do in each shot, starting with Ryan since Jess was still in make up, with how to act out 'taking a selfie'. We then got them both to skate on the bench and to act with their friends. We were hoping for actors but we had to think on our feet and just used ourselves. Beth brought some awesome jackets and we used some of Jamie's props (as modelled beautifully by Shaun). 

There were two cameras like day 1, with Ryan filming shots of Terry and now Beth filming shots with Tracey since Jack was absent.

Ready to film the band, the guitarist went walk abouts for a pizza. We tried to get close ups of Jess meanwhile but he came back as were just about ready to go. So we did the band's wides. Brad's group did theirs first and we went second and went on a rota like that. However, the band played the wrong song for ours so we had to redo ours. I'm sure we could still use the footage as it still looked fab. I was getting to into it, shouting at the actors when to come in dancing. Brad fell over at one point though (risk assessment!) but he was laughing the whole time and was fine. Blooper reel!

I was our second camera op tonight as I was aware what shots we were after and knew how to frame them. I really enjoyed doing close ups of the band on the stage with Ryan. We went handheld due to space and time so we could duck and weave when something was happening and I really enjoyed it!!! This was my highlight of the night.

We then did actor Ryan's scenes as he wanted to be off so we did a shot of him reacting to Jess ripping her arm open and bleeding gold. Meanwhile, we were getting Jess in prosthetics (Janice was telling the make up artist what to do). The gash looked great and gruesome! Me and Jess carefully choreographed the fall. It was going to mostly be a close up so we could avoid Jess being in roller skates as she isn't confident in them, especially falling in them. I told her to fall slowly so we could track it easily and she could plan her fall and not ruin the prosthetics and get gold everywhere (which we did somehow even though we were careful). It looked really good! 

We then got kicked out at about 9 so we couldn't do the UV light shots or the final drone shot, which we will do tomorrow. We then took Jess to Wetherspoons for a few drinks (brownie points please for treating our actors nicely). Overall a good nights shoot, with loads of footage to edit with! 

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