Sunday 7 February 2016

The Auditions/Grizzo's Recce

We hosted two lots of auditions this week; one on Thursday and one on Sunday so if people where unable to attend the Thursday's auditions due to work or Uni, they could attend Sunday.

Both were a bit of a disaster. Thursday one person turned up to reschedule for Monday. And Sunday no one turned up.

Luckily the level 6's let us borrow their auditions and actors if we can't find anyone. Apparently auditions are always a disaster.

SO plan of action for Monday: Go around the Uni for willing actors (since it will be easier to contact and use Hartlepool as a base for filming) on the morning. Auditions at dinner. Watch the level 6's auditions on the afternoon. 

We didn't completely waste the Sunday though as it was the first time we went into Grizzo's so we made a small recce and took some pictures. We didn't have a tape measure on hand so we couldn't measure anything.

There are two main rooms; a living room sort of area with a few couches, a kettle and a dart board (which got much use in the 2 hours we were there). The other room was the main practice room. It is fairly big for a practice room and can easily fit a crew and a band in. The ceiling is a little bit low but again not too low, can easily fit a crew in. Apparently the owner Gary has some pretty floor lights they use for gigs they sometimes do which sounds like good news. There is also a window separating the two rooms with lights inside which looks very pretty and a nice framing device. There is also plenty of instruments, including a didgeridoo, and a toilet. 

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