Saturday 20 February 2016

Vinyl Demand

I tried to do a pun for the blog title. I guess it didn't work.

Originally our group had an idea for the beginning of the video where a vinyl is spinning and when the needle hits it, the song starts to play. I completely forgot about it until Janice brought it up in the group chat after production. I decided to try an experiment. 

I filmed the vinyl on my high quality camera, it is a little shaky, but it can be fixed later. I wanted to put 1974 on it too as that is our recurring theme in all our videos as it's the code to get the robot out of the locked room. I thought my shirt said it but I was out by a whole year. 

I didn't want to damage my vinyl collection or my vintage stereo so I ended up putting 1974 on pink paper, but I wasn't very happy with how it looked. It just looked like 1974 on pink paper.

I then recorded it normally. Beth said she had an idea for it but isn't promising anything. I also had a play around with it on HitFilm 3 Express, the software I got with the FutureLearn programme I have subscribed to. More about this can be found here

I did this much, but I couldn't get the words to go around with the vinyl so it looks a bit odd. Janice however liked it. I'm still not sure about it. Hopefully Beth has a few ideas.

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