Sunday 14 February 2016

Dance Floor Filming: Day 1

Happy Valentines Day! Have some stress! 

After getting all the equipment from Chris' house (cheers Chris and Brad for nursing it over the weekend), we found out that we didn't have a pack of gels. So our red heads were pretty much useless. So we decided to rig the ones in The Studio so they lit the dance floor. I, and a few others, have faced the fear of heights, but I am still scared of them. We ended up using some of the red heads in the end to light the shadows on close ups. Ryan also forgot to bring his drones, and the LED light was too big on the train, so we will have to do these shots on Monday too.

We also forgot to ask if we could use the smoke machine so we rang up the owner who said it was fine, and we ended up forgetting to use it in the end!

Make up (cheers Beth) was great. Fair enough it took her all morning to do Jess' make up, but it did look good!

Janice and Chris went on a little wonder around all the rooms and came back saying that found an 'awesome window', so I send the camera ops and Jess up to get some good shots. 

Since we had two cameras out, I assigned Jack and Ryan a camera each and also a character to track each for when we were doing two shots. Ryan was tracking Terry and Jack was tracking Tracey. Good system!

The morning was off to a bumpy start, only having recorded one big shot and a few small ones. While the others went to Wetherspoons, I minded the place and recorded a few filler shots of random bits of equipment and scenery.

The afternoon went a lot smoother. Got quite a lot done even though we didn't have the band or any extras. We have decided to do Wednesday at 5 for a few quick shots of the band, scenes of extras and we also need to do the gash on Tracey's arm (yeah it was the leg but the costume has very long socks so it's the arm now). Now I look back, I have no idea why we didn't do Dan's close ups since he was there (maybe because the lighting was rigged, maybe because we were bothered about the actors, maybe because I was so stressed to realise, or maybe he was too engrossed in the football match to realise). Jack too was distracted by the match but once I shouted him over, he did what he was told. However, looking back at some of his camera's footage, some of the shots are a bit soft. So I will have to tell Jack to watch his focus.

Overall not a bad day's filming considering the disaster we had on the morning. We have some footage for Beth to edit with on Monday. Meanwhile, those not editing will help paint the 'big finish', 'Art Attack' piece of the roller skates making paint tracks to spell out the band's name. 

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