Wednesday 17 February 2016

After Effects

Today was mostly a shooting day for us, with a huge shoot on the night. I did help Beth edit in the morning to make some effects that could not be done in Avid. I am not fluent in After Effects so I just YouTubed some tutorials.

One idea was from Janice where we could include fire for the lyrics "I don't wanna get burnt". I thought it would look good with the orange window with Jess sat in front of it. I found a few tutorials covering the basics. I tried to do this a day last week but I never got the hang of it, but today I did it in 10 minutes. All I had to do was create another 'solid'.

I also tried to do a zoom of the ending shot where the two actors go to touch hands. Beth was trying to do this on Avid but it turns out you can only do it on still images. 

Beth's reaction to finding this out

So I used this tutorial to try it. The only thing wrong with it is that it makes the end zoom in look really low quality, so Beth fixed this by a fade to black.

Today we have about 1/3 of the music video done. Most of the footage tonight will fill the other 2/3 and most of the narrative we have, which will help Beth as she like to edit in linear order.

About 1/3 edited

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