Monday 15 February 2016


Today was mostly a creative day. We filled out another risk assessment and booking form for Wednesday. Then I took Beth through the footage we filmed and the production logs. Beth was mostly editing all day again bless but it looks really cool so far! Beth and Janice had a few ideas for more shots. We had quite a lot of Jess but not much CU's of Ryan so we have a few ideas of getting him taking a selfie or rapping with a guitar. We also have a few more shots of Jess spinning around for the lyrics "the way you twirl" and a shot of a balloon popping to match cut with the bubble gum.

I gave Ryan and Jack the task of painting and drawing the big finish of the video, where the roller skates have drawn the band's name in their tracks. The film department gave us some good quality paper to use as it was going to be thrown out as the posters on them printed weirdly, so we nabbed them. 

Ryan brought a few Illustration students to draw the logo, and I helped them in the right direction saying how they are supposed to look like tracks and in cursive.

Quite a few people joined in for the painting, thanks Ethan who was especially enthusiastic. But I wasn't very impressed with Jack and Ryan abandoning it at 3 o clock (when our lesson finishes, but I still wanted them around so we could discuss plans. I will have to have a word.) 

The painting take over

Janice was trying her hand at prosthetics today, practising effects for Wednesday. I was a willing volunteer to try it out. 

Janice used a YouTube video showing how to do a gash with liquid latex and toilet roll. It didn't smell very nice (the latex not the toilet roll, ew if the toilet roll did). 

After showing the Jess the footage waiting for it and the foundation to dry, we had to peel/cut the layer we applied. This was harder than the YouTube tutorial made out for it to be. We tried a paper clip, then scissors then a drawing pin. I did stab myself a few times (dedication/brownie points please) but the drawing pin gave it a rough look around the edges as I was hacking it open.

It felt quite strange opening the wound, and Jess might have to hack it open herself as if someone else did, it would probably go through to the skin. We also did an allergy test on Jess for the liquid latex and she's fine with it (phew). Janice added some gold cream to it we found in the make up kit and looks much better than the gold dust. Janice also had an idea to put a glow stick inside it to look like a bone and some glow in the dark or UV paint around the gash. Beth also mixed some blood gel with gold dust which made it turn bronze and also looks good.

Foundation is a little patchy as it wasn't my colour! Buying one for Jess' skin colour for Wednesday!

Looks really good! Successful test!

However, we then had a thought. How can a robot get a gash this painful from falling over? We had an idea that she could fall on glass. This is the team's homework! 

Overall a successful and fun day! 

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