Monday 22 February 2016

Post Production

Today I set Jack and Ryan onto Production Logs while me and Beth lived in the edit suite.

It took us a while to import/AMA Link all the footage. We could have also done with the production logs to help us choose which clips to import in, but we managed. We tried to stick with the shot list as much as we could (we didn't deviate from it much so it was relatively easy to do this). We also looked back at the footage we filmed, which looked really good! 

Me and Beth work very well together, so much so that if I groan or make a certain noise, she knows exactly what to do (communication is obviously key in this course). We also decided to sadly let go of the vinyl at the beginning of the video idea as it was too shaky, we couldn't think of a way to put the 1974 on, and I liked how it starts with the guitar slide. 

We also tried to think of where to put certain videos, e.g. having the extras for the 'friends with my friends' lyrics and the pace of the video. It felt more like composing rather than editing a video. Every time there is a snare drum, we would put a cut in, giving it a nice pace. 

The test shots we also did came in very handy where we had various gaps between ends of verses and beginning of choruses. 

What was a pain was syncing up the band with the music. The drum roll was particularly hard for Beth as she didn't know which drum makes what noise. So I stepped in for this bit since I play drums and was aware about noises various drums make (put this on my CV!) I like to think I synced it up pretty well.

Beth had fun with various effects today to, especially the kaleidoscope effect which didn't turn out well at first and looked very creepy. But we did it for another angle which looked much better, but not much like Dan which is what we wanted. We will have to experiment later.

A photo posted by Beth Taylor (@remainingoptimistic) on

It was also nice seeing everyone else's video come to life. Each one looks great. Brad's group is almost done already, only needing his arcade shots! Jamie's is also off to a good start and looks really great. Standards are high!

This is what we have done today. I am really proud of it so far. The pace of the video makes you want to bop up and down with it, which I love! My favourite bit so far is the UV paint montage. It looks amazing and I really love Janice's and Jamie's stoke of his hair which acts as a transition between shots. Great progress!

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