Thursday 25 February 2016

Post Production Panic!

Today me and Beth booked the edit suite for 8 hours (wow jeez. I don't think we will use all of this time though as we only have a few more minutes to edit). I found a few found footage files last night that were royalty free that we could use since we were running out of footage because of our fast cuts. I also found a high quality and stable vinyl player to put at the start! I also have a 80s old games compilation for Ethan's group to use.

Beth tried putting the 1974 on the vinyl needle and did it, but accidentally removed it and couldn't get it back, so we abandoned that idea. After putting the vinyl at the start of the sequence, Beth accidentally deleted a track and the footage on it, and we couldn't recover it. Luckily we managed to put it all back in 2 hours which was fine. 

Our project has a lot of layers because of all our effects to make Tetris.
Like an onion. Or an ogre.
It's all ogre now.

We learnt that syncing up was a pain, especially when we recorded the synth during the guitar solo and the guitar during the synth solo (as I realised Ryan wasn't recording the guitar solo).

Mine and Brad's catchphrase in the edit suites

3:30 we finished editing!!!.!..!.!!! We are having a group viewing on Monday with the client to see if they are happy then we will definitely be finished. But for now, WE ARE DONE!

*UPDATE* Beth broke Avid. She wanted to put her own credits in and made the sequence 'corrupted'. We are trying to fix it now. If we can't, we will have to go to Lee when he is in to fix it. 

*FURTHER UPDATE* Beth fixed Avid. Thank Jesus. Also had a nice catch up with the level 6's and graduate Adam who was also in the edit suites, asking about his previous works and future films.

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