Tuesday 23 February 2016

Cultures of Youth 1

Today in Malcolm's lecture, we officially started next years work with Cultures of Youth: 1955-1970. He started the presentation with a picture from A Clockwork Orange which hyped me up.

Me being team leader

Children and parents used to wear the same or similar clothes until the late 40s. Mass employment and disposable income meant youth could be 'seen' and had an identity. Adverts with teens appeared, and new films aimed at teenagers were produced since they now had money to see these.

Space was also a big theme in the 50s and 60s with the space race being echoed in art. Cars had 'go faster stripes' and new technology was being introduced. It also influenced the media with TV series' such as UFO and Doctor Who being produced.


Clothes were also huge with women showing off their bodies more with 'figure hugging' dresses, such as Marilyn Monroe, but also some more casual fashion, such as shorts, such as Doris Day.

Same Eddie.
This gif is only relevant as it's from the series My Week With Marilyn (great series just saying)

Drugs were also starting to influence art with hypnotic patterns. 

Glam rock was also starting to take off, with the idea of experimentation. Men were finding fashion from women. Personally, I love glam rock and I was brought up with this music. Just putting this out there. This isn't really relevant, but just wanted to say how much I love it. 


Arcades and Pac Man were also introduced in the 70s, linking to our live project! We have officially gone full circle! Again this was because of new disposable income and leisure time.


Tribalism was emerging with youths looking for identity. Later this is relevant to Punk, but with the context of youths being angry with a social unrest. Working people were promised lots after the war by the Labour party but received nothing. There was chaos and strikes and anti-immigration policies. Which links more to next week session.

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