Thursday 18 February 2016

Dance Floor Filming: Day 3

Today we got the rest of the footage filmed that we didn't get to do last night with the drones and the UV paint.

After some disasters on the morning, including losing the plate for the slider (which luckily Ryan had) and breaking the battery on the camera because of a faulty tripod plate, we were off to a rough start. We ended up going handheld for most of today's footage.

We did the UV shots first in the base room since Brad was filming in the studio. We only had 4 volunteers including me to have UV paint on them which was a bit upsetting (c'mon guys be more childish). It looked really good in real life but it was hard to focus it on camera. We could probably still use it.

We then went into the studio after Brad to do our final shot. Ryan didn't turn up so we couldn't use the drones, so we used the ladder and the camera (Jack was camera op today by the way). We made sure he was safe by footing the ladder when he was up and that he was wearing the hand strap when operating the camera. 

Lighting set up. Credits to Jack.

We did a shot and also a still of each shot; normal, with roller skates, and with glow sticks. We got a few level 5's in to throw glowsticks onto it. The only thing was that we only had one take and we could see everyone's hands but we could go around it in post possibly or just say that it is a busy night club and people are going a bit wild. It looked really good afterwards in the complete dark (the pictures don't do it justice).

SO that is a wrap for production!! Now we need to finish editing!!

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