Saturday 20 February 2016

Questionnaire Results

I have put a questionnaire online using a website called SurveyMonkey. I have used it before for my A Level Media so I was familiar with the layout and how easy to distribute it is. I have spread it across Facebook and Twitter and I so far have 12 responses. I have included questions about age and occupation as I want a variation of opinions, expert and novices to the film industry, and see how they feel about the film industry producing so many remakes. 

Create your own user feedback survey 

Most of the surveys back are from students aged between 18-29. This is fine but I will have to spread it further afield to get more varied responses and from different backgrounds. It might be an idea to hand out physical copies to people on the street. For my A Level Media, I gave my mother some physical copies to hand out to people in her shop. It will be a good idea to do this again for this.

Most people think that the film industry should not remake classic films.

"A classic is a classic for a reason, because it is so good that it is loved and treasured. They should not be remade, it is simply not necessary."
"Absolutely not! If it isn't broken don't fix it, there is no need to remake classics, it just tarnishes the reputation" 

A few have said yes, I particulary like this response:

"Yes - they make money, as marketing budgets don't have to be as huge. They ride of the original. They bring old stories to a new generation, the vast majority of whom, don't watch films more that 5 years older than they are."

One film that kept creeping up for people's favourite films being remade was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. 

"I know there are some out there, it's tricky to think of them on the spot. I don't hate the Johnny Depp version of Willy Wonka, but I much prefer the Gene Wilder one. I have heard that they are remaking American Werewolf in London and I think that is a mistake, the idea of changing anything about that film makes me cringe. I definitely won't be watching that."
"Charlie and the chocolate factory.. Big name actors try too hard to enhance their careers/reputation. The original is natural, innocent and genuine."

A few people have said 'no' or 'N/A' or 'yes' to other questions which I'm not too happy about. I WANT TO KNOW WHY!!! 

Most people have said that there are so many remakes as they make money and people would be willing to see it if they liked the original.

"I suppose there is a school of thought that there will be a ready made audience for a story and characters that are already liked. It's all about the box office."

However, when I asked them if they would want to see one of their favourite classic films remade, most of them said no.

"I would tend to avoid a remake of a favourite, I would think that it would not be possible to make it better. It is a favourite because it couldn't be any better. It could only be worse, it would be sad to watch something I liked being changed." 

There was a relatively even split when I asked if the film industry should not produce remakes. One particulary controversial person said 'yes' but failed to say why which I was upset about. I liked this particular response:

"It has to be easier to remake a movie than to start from scratch. The ideas and characters and story have already been thought out. It takes less imagination to remake than to make something new and different. It is always risky to be innovative. But surely the movie industry should be imaginative and bold. There are always new stories to be told, writers never run out of ideas."

Most people have said yes to less remakes as 'classics should be left alone'. There are a few sensible people saying it's fine as long as people have room to pitch their own original ideas.

"I suppose there will always be a market for remakes, the industry will look at a successful classic and say "we can make it better". But I doubt if it's what the public wants. We want new original classics."

One person who filled out the questionnaire also thought of something they forgot to put on the survey. They said that we don't remake classic books, so why do we remake classic films? It's quite interesting.

*UPDATE 22.02.16* I now have 20 responses. This response to the final question I really liked.

"The film industry should get their shit together, grow some balls, support original concepts and take a risk. It's not like they can't afford it."

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