Friday 12 February 2016

Visual Culture - Unused Sources

My Visual Culture and Journals are handed in!!!!.!.!!.

I'm a bit worried about my 20% plagiarism for the essay because of how many quotes I have used. I've been assured by the group chat that it should be fine, they will just check you've referenced everything ok. I still have emailed Di and Malcolm to double check.

I thought I would blog about some potential sources I could have used for my essay but ended up not using due to reliability or content (I have also linked my blog on the front cover of the journal for extra brownie points from the work I have done on here *hint hint*). 

I also got a few books out of the library that were also sadly not used. The blog post for this can be found here

André Breton (1969). Manifestoes of Surrealism. Michigan: University of Michigan Press. I decided not to use this source as it is a bit outdated and covers 1920s surrealism whereas my essay is about 70-80s surrealism. I had a look through it to see if there was any overarching facts I could have used about surrealism but it was all very specific to topics not relevant to me.

Natalya Lusty (2007). Surrealism, Feminism, Psychoanalysis. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. I chose not to use this source as I was focusing mainly on female inequality for a while in the essay and I didn't want to make it wholly about it. The book also focuses mainly on art and books, even though this is good for visual culture and there are some relevant points that can be applied to film, I found a better source that had much more in depth points.

Linda Bolton (2000). Surrealism. Peter Bedrick Books. I decided definitely not to use this since it was only 32 page, mostly pictures, which I later found out was because it is a children's book! Fail! A bit unreliable!!

Peter Hames (2008). The Cinema of Jan Švankmajer: Dark Alchemy. Columbria: Wallflower Press. I really wanted to use this source, however I could not find a copy of it anywhere! The cheapest I could have got it for was £50!! I sadly had to let it go.

?. (2015). Luis Buñuel and the Cinematics of Terror. Available: Last accessed 12th Feb 2016. I didn't use this source as 1) I had no idea who wrote it. 2) I didn't trust it with use of bad grammar and referencing. 3) It didn't really fit with my essay.

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