Tuesday 1 March 2016

Live Project 1 - Summary

We are now almost done! All we need to do is arrange a meeting of the client to set their approval of the video and any last minute changes, and production forms. Ideally I did want this done in pre-production stage but Janice was running around after roller derby's and locations. Even though we sadly didn't get a roller derby on board, Janice did an amazing job as producer and without her I don't know where we'd be. 

I was cautious to not take over anyone's roles as this is my weakness according to the tutorial I had with Mike a few weeks ago. But when Diane said to do paperwork regardless of job roles, this confused me. I gave Ryan and Jack production logs and some forms to do since Janice was stressed out and running around for actor and location release forms. As team leader, I wanted to make sure everything is done but to not take over any roles and make sure everyone had something to do. I like to think I did a good job.

As a director I like to think I did well and directed the actors thoroughly and made them feel comfortable. I like to think I was also a good team leader to make sure everyone knew what they were doing and were clear in what I was asking them to do or for directing, how to act and what their objectives were (which I gave. I talk about this more in my evaluation and also in my Director Notes- blog post can be found here.)

I also like to think I did well in post production in the edit suites with Beth. We experimented with different clips and effects together and we work well as a team. Beth did say at one point to be more assertive and say if I want to take something out rather than just say "can we maybe try..." or some variation of this, which I will take on board. Beth is an amazing editor and spent long hard hours in the edit suites and I salute her enthusiasm. 

Group 4 was also a success and will hopefully give us a boost in marks and brownie points. It's something on top of the music videos to give to the client as a thank you and a keepsake. I was camera and editor for this and I am really happy with how it looks and I hope the client is too. The sound isn't amazing (more about this can be found here and here) but it wasn't my division. I had to work with what I had.

Overall I am really proud of our team and we worked really well and effectively together and we have created a quality product at the end of it that we should all be proud of. 

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