Tuesday 22 March 2016

Anti Terrorism

After a quick briefing and meeting for Production, in the afternoon, we had John Bickerstaff come in to talk about his job and Anti-Terrorism. Considering the latest bombings in Brussels, this is very important and always relevant and we need to remain on alert. This is relevant to especially us because of our 'filming awareness' that can be considered suspicious behaviour.

Filming chemical works and guns or any unusual behaviour are big signs of a 'terrorist recce'. Taking pictures of CCTV and buttons add to this. However, if they are clearly staged and angled, with full permission, we should be fine. If a security guard says they need to destroy it and won't listen to reason, they do not have the right to destroy it. It is the law! Did not know this until today.

We also learned what to do in a bomb scare and what to do which was also useful to know (I'm surprised we were never told this earlier like in secondary as even though we probably won't use it, it is still useful to know). 

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