Monday 7 March 2016

AVC Tech Dem: Take 3

Today Lee wanted us in for a 'AVC Refresher' session. He quickly looked at out video from our Live Project (but none of the other team's which was a shame as I wanted to see their final versions) and nit picked at our shots and framing. While some of it was useful, it wasn't anything we already knew. We did all the framing for a reason, whether it told the narrative or just looked nice.

He then told us the basics of the AVC's again and what format to record (this was probably the only useful thing as the frame rates in ours was weird due to the camera ops not checking this on set). I have already made notes on all of this the last tech dem so check out this post and this one

Lee then told us to do a tech dem and repeat what he just said in a 5 min video in groups of 3 or 4. Me, Beth, Janice and Jamie were in a group and we all wanted it out the way so we could focus on Professional Studies and our pitches for next week. So we quickly booked out a camera and recorded it on my phone.

Our tech dem is just pretty much a repeat of the one we did in Digital Production but without the swanky cuts and the display on the interactive whiteboard. We did think about doing a rap but we just didn't have the time.

I was the person improvising and pointing at buttons as I was the most confident with the equipment and know where everything is and the most confident in front of the camera. Janice was camera op. Beth was producer. Jamie and Beth are editing it. Even though we did use in camera editing, it still would be good to edit it as it is 7 minutes as I "um" and "ah" a lot. 

Jamie's Edit

Beth's Edit

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