Thursday 10 March 2016

Physical Questionnaires

I gave out five physical copies of the questionnaire to hand out in my Mam's shop. Even though she said no one would answer them but she's try, I managed to get three back. I think I will hand out a few in University and also spread the online version one since I am getting the most responses from that.

Here's the responses! One of the respondent's didn't take it seriously and put their occupation as "you and your mother's mug".

One person said that the film industry should be more imaginative and not to produce as much remakes, but also said;
"The problem is more to do with studios and what they are willing to fund than a lack of ideas. Just look at the Indies"
Someone else also made a point that people, especially a younger audience, might not watch originals over remakes as they are 'old'. It might be worth finding some statistics on this. 

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