Wednesday 16 March 2016

Allurement: Character Inspirations

Gartha (The Dark Witch)

Rowena - Supernatural

Rowena is a natural born witch originally from Scotland, who has been around since the 17th century (or possibly longer). Rowena was expelled from the Grand Coven because her magic was considered too extreme. Rowena's "unpleasantness" with the Grand Coven would ultimately lead to her being banned from performing magic, taking on students, or forming her own coven, as well as sending her on the run for years for having engaged in sex with a non-witch and giving birth to his child. In 2014, 300 years later, Rowena resurfaces to reclaim her lost power base. Rowena reunites with Crowley and makes several attempts to manipulate him for her own ends.

"I hate you... Because if I didn't... I'd love you. But love -- love is weakness. And I'll never be weak again." - Rowena to Crowley

Fiona Goode - Americal Horror Story: Coven

Fiona Goode is the Supreme Witch of the Salem Coven (referred to colloquially as "the Supreme"). As Supreme Witch of the Salem Descendants, the glamorous Fiona Goode lives a life of luxury, traveling the world and hobnobbing with celebrities. Now, she returns home to Miss Robichaux's Academy in New Orleans with plans to rule her coven again and repair her relationship with her estranged daughter. 

Fiona is a beautiful, graceful, intelligent, witty and charismatic woman, though exceedingly vain, particularly when it comes to ageing. She has moments of extreme kindness, for instance, using her power to resurrect a baby that died in birth, but she is also ruthless, exhibiting no guilt over murder. As a powerful witch, she fears no one and wants to live forever. She also finds amusement in taunting and belittling others. Fiona favours wearing black, though she is derisive towards other common stereotypes of witches.

"Who's the baddest witch in town?" - Fiona Goode

Lamia - Stardust

Lamia is the main antagonist of Stardust. She is a member of the Lillim Coven, as well as the youngest but most powerful of the three evil sister witches. Her one goal is to capture Yvaine, cut her heart out and eat it to regain her youth and beauty. It was an undeniable fact that each sister was a powerful witch in her own right, and the strongest and most dangerous of the three was Lamia, who was feared by even other powerful Dark witches as "The Witch Queen". Lamia was also the vainest, most manipulative, and most ruthless Lillim witch, to the extent where (as it was revealed later on) she saw her own sisters as useful pawns at best, and irritating nuisances with whom she was forced to share whatever advantage she could possibly come into at worst. Her sole concern was her youth and beauty, and she would go to any lengths to regain them when they were lost and retain them. 
"Limbus grass! You dare to steal truth from my lips by feeding me Limbus grass! Do you have any idea what a big mistake you've made, Ditchwater Sal?" - Lamia

Granny Weatherwax - Discworld

Esmarelda 'Esme' Weatherwax is a witch and member of the Lancre coven. She is the self-appointed guardian of her small country, and frequently defends it against supernatural powers. She is one of the Discworld series's main protagonists. Granny Weatherwax has a near-unshakeable belief in her own abilities, which has thus far proved accurate, and an extreme distrust of stories.

She was intended by nature to be a "wicked witch" but, at an early age, realised she had to be "the good one" to balance her sister, Lily (Lilith). Ironically Lily, who became a fairy godmother, was convinced she was the good one, because she gave people what she thought they should want. Granny Weatherwax, however, gives people what she knows they really need. Witches themselves seem hesitant to use "bad" or "good" as descriptors, especially when discussing very powerful witches; as Pratchett would put it: being Good (with a capital G) and Right (with a capital R) doesn't necessarily make one Nice (with a capital N), and Granny isn't (Nice, that is). Granny prefers to be respected, and if that is tinged with an element of fear, so be it.

"Don't do what you will, do what I tells you." - Granny Weatherwax

Morgana - Merlin

Morgana Pendragon was the biological daughter of Uther Pendragon and Vivienne, the half sister of Arthur and Morgause. Originally a kind-hearted individual, Morgana turned evil after being corrupted by Morgause and being betrayed by her friends. After that she betrayed her family and friends, even being involved in the death of her own father. She is determined to take over Camelot and will allow nothing to stand in her way. Morgana is portrayed as being vengeful, ruthless, embittered, cold and calculating. She is a highly isolated and darkened character who resembles her biological father far more than she cares to admit since she, like Uther Pendragon, has suffered greatly on an emotional level and is unwilling to let go of past suffering. Earlier in life, as the King’s ward, Morgana displays a spirited, quick-witted and compassionate nature. While in Camelot she is considered by many to be very beautiful and attracts the attention of numerous men. However, Morgana proves to be both beautiful and capable; she is also fiery and independent and will not hesitate to stand up to Uther, despite his being her guardian. Despite her vindictive and unforgiving personality, however, Morgana remains a powerful, arrogant, intelligent, overconfident, and ferociously determined individual. Her darker characteristics are largely the product of external influences while her truer nature was portrayed as one of immense compassion. 

“She is the darkness to your light, the hatred to your love” — Kilgharrah to Merlin.

Lerysa (The Light Witch)

Cordelia Foxx - American Horror Story: Coven


Cordelia Foxx was the idealistic headmistress of Miss Robichaux's Academy, and fiercely protective of the girls entrusted to her care. In the face of her larger-than-life mother, Fiona, Cordelia struggled to maintain order amidst the dark forces of chaos gathering within the school. Cordelia was gentle and caring toward others, particularly her students, much to the chagrin of her mother, Fiona. However, despite attempting even to murder her, Cordelia was intelligent enough to conclude that the coven would not survive without her mother's power. She showed a dark side by proclaiming Queenie as "dead" to her for the witch's betrayal and alliance towards voodoo.

"Feel the fear and the pain, let it all in, and then let it all go." - Cordelia Foxx 

Bonnie Bennett - The Vampire Diaries

Bonnie Bennett is a very powerful witch and one of the main female characters of The Vampire Diaries. She was, until recently, the Anchor to The Other Side. While she filled the role of counselor and confidante to all of her friends, Bonnie is also a feisty, yet empathetic witch, who discovered her powers just in time to help out her family and friends. Bonnie is noted for having many heroine tendencies. She is seen to be very compassionate, empathetic, helpful, very selfless (to the point of martyrdom) and self-sacrificing. Bonnie is repeatedly ready to sacrifice herself for her family and friends without any hesitation or without a second thought. 
"If my friends' lives are in danger, I'm not gonna stand by and do nothing. ” - Bonnie to Nora

The White Queen - Alice in Wonderland

The White Queen is stated to be the rightful ruler of Underland, but her eldest sister Iracebeth, The Red Queen, ursurped and claimed the crown as her own. She is calm, a pacifist, suave, kind, fair, absentminded, extremely sophisticated, powerful, elegant and beautiful. It is interesting to note that she is able to complete the potion that allows Alice to shrink by spewing in her own "Wishful Thinking" for the final instilment of the needed ingredient, suggesting that she is powerful. When she moves, she does so gracefully, giving the illusion that she is perpetually dancing. Mallymkun (in the Wii game) states that "the Hatter rather likes the White Queen, but she can be as terrifying as her sister when she wants to be."
"It goes against my vows to harm any living creature" - The White Queen

Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter

Luna Lovegood was a witch and daughter of Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. Her mother accidentally died while experimenting with spells when Luna was nine, and Luna was raised by her father, editor of the magazine The Quibbler. In 1997, sixteen-year-old Luna had waist-length, straggly, dirty blonde hair, protuberant grey eyes, which often seemed to be dreamily distracted, and faint eyebrows. She had an aura of "distinct dottiness" about her and was known to put her wand behind her left ear for safekeeping.

Luna had a unique fashion sense that other people usually found bizarre. She often wore odd pieces of jewellery such as a Butterbeer cork necklace and Dirigible plum earrings, and in 1996, a pair of Spectrespecs. Luna also didn't wear shoes because students in her house would take her shoes and hide them. Luna was an extremely quirky girl with a serene disposition and many eccentric beliefs and qualities. She was a complete nonconformist; she lacked self-consciousness and was not afraid to show who she truly was. Luna was also intelligent and unusually perceptive, having been sorted into Ravenclaw.

Her demeanour and voice were often distant and dreamy, and she would drift away from a conversation she did not find interesting; however, whenever someone made fun of her father or The Quibbler, of which he was editor, the airy, dreamy quality in her voice would vanish and be replaced by one of steel, and she would immediately become very angry. She had an uncanny way of making others uncomfortable by being bluntly honest — a "knack for embarrassing honesty" according to Harry. She was completely unflappable and rarely seemed anxious or under stress, even under difficult circumstances.

"The girl gave off an aura of distinct dottiness. Perhaps it was the fact that she had stuck her wand behind her left ear for safekeeping, or that she had chosen to wear a necklace of Butterbeer caps, or that she was reading a magazine upside down." —Harry Potter's description of Luna.

Assistant June

Kyle Spencer - American Horror Story: Coven

Kyle looks exactly how I pictured Asisstant June (I wish I could cast Evan Peters), however his personality and backstory is very romantic, which is not what I want in June. I am just including him here for his aesthetic.

Kyle Spencer is the charismatic leader of his school's Kappa Lambda Gamma chapter. A native of New Orleans' Ninth Ward, Kyle has spent the years since Katrina supporting his single mother. It is a story of human resilience... and putting the pieces back together. Prior to his death Kyle had a very caring and outgoing personality. He seemed like the usual, good looking frat boy but was actually active in charity and had a scholarship.

John Watson - Sherlock

Dr. John Hamish Watson is the best friend and assistant of Sherlock Holmes and a former British Army doctor. Before marrying Mary Morstan, he lived at 221B Baker Street with Sherlock, a flat they rented from Mrs Hudson. John is extremely brave, resourceful and practical. He is extremely loyal to Sherlock, and will usually, but not always, do what Sherlock asks him to, and cares a great deal about his well-being. Sherlock likewise cares about John. He is also very selfless and modest, as he puts himself at colossal personal risks to help Sherlock Holmes and is rather sceptical about his companion's ideals. He is very sarcastic and has an erratic sense of humour

John deals with lack of stimulation little better than Sherlock does, the difference being that when Sherlock is bored he is very vocal in his frustration; when John feels that "nothing ever happens", he withdraws into a shell and shows strong tendencies towards depression (possibly exacerbated by his post-traumatic issues). He is adept at reading people through facial expressions, whilst Sherlock relies on his surroundings, on clothing and personality displays to read people.

"We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants." - John Watson

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