Friday 18 March 2016

Shouting Nonsense Loudly

This post is about the little things in the script that aren't fully developed but would be nice to research to add to the character's backstory.

Gartha's Nonsensical Spell

We had a quick idea that we could flashback to Gartha getting the spell from an online forum and writing it down in her spell book.

It would also be nice if Gartha's nonsense spell could hint at a love spell in a different language. Latin would be good to use as it could hint at the witches age (Latin being a dead language) and also sounds really impressive and nonsensical.

I found a few online. This one was a bit long winded and hard to remember. But I do like this one I found;

"I nunc amit me te amare simul Lerysa quoque sicerit in me ex caritate"
This means "One now can lose, at the same time you love me, Lerysa, too strong in me, out of goodness". Yup, shouting nonsence.

Lerysa's Tea

For the scene where Lerysa drinks her tea and burps, I thought it would be good that she could drink her luminous tea and then look at her own tea leaves.

According to Tea Leaf Reading (Little Giant Encyclopedias), once you have your tea you should drink it until there’s about a teaspoon left. Hold the cup in your left hand, swirl the dregs three times in a clockwise direction, and then very carefully upend the cup on a saucer to let it drain. Pick it up with your right hand (without disturbing the pattern the leaves have made), open your mind, and see what you can see. 

A photo posted by Sarah Joy (@sarahtrix) on

Now, I have just tried this and if you’re like me, you’ll make a huge mess the first time you try this. Don’t leave a teaspoon of liquid in the cup: drink until you have nothing but sludge, or you will find yourself hastily mopping up tea with kitchen roll and wind up with most of your tea leaves in the saucer.

This is my tea leaf reading;

Now I think I used tea leaves that are too big as it's turned out as a mucky mess. I can almost see a few hearts, a bird (maybe two... or a dragon) and the initial 'i'. The heart means romance and friendship (a softer romance). Initials, with the heart, could be the name of your lover. Dragon's don't seem to be on the list. Birds mean freedom and protection by your spirit guides.

Tea Leaf Dictionary:

Tarot Cards

It would also be nice to include some tarot card readings of both characters and foreshadow their fates using this, as an easter egg. I have already researched tarot cards for my Me, Myself and I, blog post can be found here. Again I will probably use the Past, Present and Future spread as it is the most widely known and the simplest.

The Readings

The past card reflects the opposite person's personality, e.g the Queen of Cups that Gartha has picked up represents Lerysa as a person. The present cards reflect what happen in the script. There is one card in the middle as they could both reach towards it and both pick it up as this card is relevant to both of their futures.


Queen of Swords (Reversed)

Be very careful of this woman. She is tricky at best, malicious at worst. She has a spiteful tongue and may enjoy spreading unpleasant gossip. Any power that she holds has gone to her head, making her dictatorial, controlling and manipulative.

VI - The Lovers

The Lovers can indicate an extremely strong emotional bond, such as friendship, working partnership, love affair or marriage. If you have recently fallen out with someone, this card suggests reconciliation. 

XXI - The World

You are reaching the end of one satisfactory era and moving onto the next. If you have been wondering whether to make some far-reaching changes, this card gives them the green light. The World can also indicate travel, or possible emigration, even if this isn't planned at the time of the reading. It can also describe a holiday to somewhere you have never been before.


Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is very kind, warm and gentle. She is very sensuous and may even be an earth mother. She is always most content when she is in her own home. There is something other-worldly about her because she's in touch with the more spiritual aspects of life. She may also be strongly intuitive and psychic. She will give you support and affection.

X - Ten of Swords (Reversed)

You are going through a mini-crisis. It is full of drama and intrigue, but once the dust has settled you will realise that it was a lot of fuss about nothing.

XXI - The World

You are reaching the end of one satisfactory era and moving onto the next. If you have been wondering whether to make some far-reaching changes, this card gives them the green light. The World can also indicate travel, or possible emigration, even if this isn't planned at the time of the reading. It can also describe a holiday to somewhere you have never been before.

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