Thursday 17 March 2016

The Bookkeeper: Extra's Filming

Today we had a small meeting about how our Production module was going, then we helped out the Level 6's to be extras in a noir scene. 

It was nice observing how the level 6's worked (mostly good apart from one tripping over a red head and smashing the bulb. They should have said there's a tripping hazard and gaffer taped it down! Tsk tsk) and I'm really interested in this production as it sounds really great and interesting.

We were asked to come smartly dressed (which was easy for me as I own many nice dresses) but those who didn't were runners and just generally helping out. We were sat at a table in this scene, making general conversation. Mike then had a good idea of playing cards (which was lucky as it helped us pass the time and avoid awkward conversation). Kyle (the director) even did a close up shot of me playing cards.

Overall a good day's shoot and I can't wait to see how the film turns out!

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