Monday 21 March 2016

Location Recce

Today, after a quick team meeting, me, Jamie, Ethan and Janice went on a location recce to Summerhill. Janice was familiar with Summerhill and knew a crater that would look good for the battle scene so we asked if she could come with and show us (thanks again Janice!) Even though I filmed here once for the Scunchi advert, I never looked around the park bit.

Janice also took us through Burn Valley and pointed out some pretty bridges that we could use. It would look like for some of the montage pieces. So we will have to contact the council if we decide to use it. We are having a meeting tomorrow about all the locations and finalise them.

Summerhill has so many hidey holes it's great! The staff were really friendly too and gave us maps and who to contact if we want to film there. Each bit of Summerhill is usable (we were even tempted to use the high wire to make the witches fly but the risk assessment would be a nightmare!). For the BMX track, we thought it would be funny to have the two witches run on broomsticks on it for the montage! There's lots of benches and logs to have a picnic on and parks to play on! 

The crater was probably the best bit of the recce, even if it was a bit busy with dog walkers at times. We filmed a bit of test footage so Jamie could experiment with effects and what angles we could go from. 

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