Saturday 5 March 2016

Digital Production - Conclusion

I was not very enthusiastic about this project but I still like to think I did a good job as producer and camera op. I got a few variations of shots. However, I got marked down for my pan of the screenwriting lesson/seminar room due to strobing. However, I got fast and slow shots of this and different speeds. The editor included this version and I didn't realise. I am not very happy. I was also told to extend my paperwork beyond just risk assessments and agreements. Not quite sure what else needed to be done? I was also told I needed to chase down more footage (I tried to get Adam (graduate) in for an interview but he was busy) and I wasn't quite sure what else to get and what the director wanted! He said he was happy.

Looking at it back, it looks very wordy. I lost interest because of this. However I do like the interviews. 

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