Monday 7 March 2016

Case Study: The Crow (1994)

Even though The Crow hasn't actually been remade yet, there are constant talks of a remake and looks more than likely. It has been on and off since 2008 as it can't seem to get a director attached. One person in the survey was passionate and intrigued to see how the remake would be like with "Luke Evans' performance" but I can't find a strong, reliable and recent source to support that Luke Evans will be starring nor if it is actually getting a remake.

The 1994 film The Crow will always be remembered because of the tragic death of its star, Brandon Lee, during the film’s production. The movie has gone on to achieve a cult status among fans, in large part because of the terrible accident. Recent years have seen an ongoing attempt to remake the movie, but the original director of The Crow really wishes they would stop, as any remake would surely have an impact on the legacy of the original.

When asked about the continuing efforts to produce a remake, Proyas gave a very honest assessment. He feels that the original movie should be allowed to stand in memory of Brandon Lee. 

"I personally feel like it’s kind of unnecessary. I’ve said this many times, I’ve completed the original movie to honor Brandon and that’s the sole reason I did it. I’m happy I did it for that reason. I sort of feel like it’s his legacy and I personally don’t have a lot of time for people trying to reignite that movie in other ways. So you know, to me, this is one situation where it would be nice if Hollywood kind of left it alone and let it remain Brandon Lee’s legacy."

Relativity Media, the original producers of the remake, were sued over the question of whether they had the right to even make a Crow movie, and then they went through bankruptcy. As recently as six months ago, the original creator of The Crow, James O’Barr, swears that the movie is still happening but with everything that has happened "you’ll forgive fans if they’re a little sceptical". Add to that the fact that many fans have a strong memory of the original and it’s unlikely that Alex Proyas is the only one who doesn't want to see this movie. 

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