Tuesday 8 March 2016

Cultures of Youth III

Today we continued the visual language and sub-cultural identity lectures but in Tokyo and how their's differs or lends itself to ours. Japanese culture is both mainstream and 'angora' (has its own culture). It is tribal with specific looks and lends itself to music or anime. While Britain had the New Romantics, Japan took influences of this and androgyny to make something different. We are exotic according to Japan and we think Japan is exotic so we kind of influence each other.


The main types of Japanese youth culture 'tribes' are Bishonen (which look at gender ambiguity), Kawaii (cute), Visual Kei (music), Decora, Lolita (which can splinter into sub groups like Gothic-Lolita), Gangura/Yamnba, Cyber-Punk (anime), Ushare Kei, Shironuri and Cosplay (I have cosplayed before but not in context of anime or Japan). Kawaii was later picked up by anime and became mainstream.


Harajuko is the centre of youth culture in Japan, holding regular fashion walks in Yoyogi Park. Akihabara is also a 'otaku' ('obsessive') centre but fosuses more on video games, anime and manga.

Kinda relevant. Just thought I had to upload a gif of my favourite anime on this post.

School girl gangs (Sukeban) were also starting to catch on but with a darker side to the Kawaii nature. Kawaii hides the reality of the violence. Kill Bill also portrayed this.


Shironuri also looks at the darker side of Kawaii especially artist Minari. It also lends itself to the Geisha with white face paint. 

Japanese culture (especially Kawaii) is relevant in our culture with famous artists taking influences from it, such as Katy Perry.


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