Tuesday 8 March 2016

Role Deviation

I got pulled aside today by Mike as he found it hard to mark us on our roles as we deviated from them while uploading production forms on the VLE. I am not saying that we didn't, I am well aware that we did, but for a good reason.

Our module was only 6 weeks (one week was not spent doing more productively so really we had even less time) so we were already at a disadvantage. Diane also told us to make sure everyone had something to do which was hard in pre production without deviating from roles. I didn't want anyone to be sat on their arses and due to time restrictions, I as team leader, had to deviate to make sure it ran smoothly and everyone was doing something and that we could be on schedule to finish in 6 weeks.

Janice was stressed out of her mind bless her, chasing after roller derby's, so we all stepped in and helped do risk assessments and production schedules. Otherwise we would not have been able to film. As a team, we finished the project, which is the most important thing. Official roles may have overlapped, but surely it's the end product that counts? There would not have been an end product if we all did not hell each other.

We all reached a conclusion to be marked on our body of work and what we exactly did rather than job roles which is perfectly fair. I was told to stop deviating too, which is perfectly fair. But I will not apologise for working hard and getting everything done on time, even if that did mean deviating from roles.

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