Tuesday 15 March 2016

Read Through and Storyboarding

Today we had a class read through of each of our scripts and it went really well. Mike liked some of the dialogue and the class laughed! Jamie needs to fine tune a few typo's and Mike suggested more drama between the two witches and more awkward montages of Gartha trying to win Lerysa's love (similar to the scene where Gartha impresses Lerysa with flowers in her own garden).


We spoke about making the flashbacks to the field containing more drama, to emphasise their power, this could also mean we can experiment with after efects to make them fly (I thought it would look good that they fly in the air like the below gif when they run at each other in the field. I have looked at a few YouTube tutorials and looks fairly easy to do. It would also make them loo like superior and supernatural beings when they are in the air) and shoot magic spells from their hands or wands. 


For the montage ideas, we could play with the modern witch idea and make a montage of witchy activities. It would be worth brainstorming this with Jamie to see what would look good and also build on their characters. 

"why must we fight?"

We also discussed a few possible locations (which I will discuss in more detail in another blog post).

The full read through and discussion can be found here:

Me and Jamie then started the storyboard and we worked well together as we both have similar visions as writer and director. We suggested that we could also send one major scene (the field scene) and a few character profiles to be commissioned by an Illustration student (maybe not the whole storyboard as it would be tedious and time consuming). 

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