Friday 1 April 2016

Location and Actress - DISASTER!

With only having one female turn up for auditions, we needed another female ASAP as I was hopefully wanting us to be cast by they Easter holidays so we could film as soon as we get back. We have posted on Four Bridges (one person hopeful, but they dropped out). Even my mother asked customers in her shop (one looked really promising as well but she has went communicado!) 

Shaun also told me that the location we were wanting for Lerysa's exterior and garden scene said no. Apparently there's five tennants living there now (even though it is still for sale on the website we found it on) and would be "too much hassle" and kept cutting Shaun off and not listening to his reasoning. I say good riddance, I don't want my producer being talked to like that, and it's their loss.

Shaun has contacted Chris (ex student) as he apparently has a big garden (UPDATE he has said yes to filming it!) and a possible actress for us! She has been sent the audition scripts. Things might be looking up!

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