Sunday 10 April 2016

Auditions ROUND 2!

I put up an advert on Facebook and on Four Bridges just for the female lead roles and I've had four come back to me, one dropped out as she lived in London. I have just Skyped one today and read extremely well for Gartha and I couldn't be happier. I want to cast her! She even has her own radio show where she plays a character much like Gartha. We would have to pay for her travel expenses though but that would be fine.

Janice Our Saviour

Janice is a member of a theatre group page and also 'Peterlee Have Your Say' and she put out a message to members saying to contact me for a 'lead role' in a film. Turns out lead role is the crucial part to put on a status! I have had 7 scheduled Skype auditions for this week and 7 more unscheduled ones but interested.


Tuesday I had a total of 3 people scheduled for auditions. One of them failed to log on in time and went communicado and eventually messaged back to audition later on in the evening. They had a very heavy Scottish accent and was way over the age limit (but looks younger on her headshots) but otherwise read well. We also had one potential Gartha (wasn't angry enough but can be directed to be angrier) and one really good (but nervous) Lerysa.

Thursday I had a total of 3 people scheduled for auditions. One of them cancelled last minute, failing to give another date they are free. One of them failed to log on in time and went communicado so they have lost out. And one person with a very limited availability and did not read through very well.

Sunday (working on my Birthday!) I had 5 auditions scheduled. The first was very friendly but came across as shouty (a bit too confident) and had limited availability. The second was the opposite- she was very calm and a good Lerysa and also lives close, but she was a bit monotonal while reading. The fourth one was AMAZING AS LERYSA! I'd like to cast her! The next one did not answer and was offline (and did this on Thursday too!) so she will not have a third chance and will not be cast in any other productions. And the final one was good at Lerysa and even remembered all her lines off by heart, but has limited availability.

I have uploaded notes on each actor on the group VLE page and I will upload another post of the final cast list!

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