Thursday 14 April 2016

Costume Hunting

Today one of our actresses came in to try on some outfits. I already had a blood stained ripped white dress but wasn't sure if it would fit the actress (as there was no size on it). Luckily we did get her to try it on as it didn't fit, so I purchased another.

We then both went shopping in charity shops for some pretty and floral dresses for Lerysa. Jo had two in her own wardrobe for the character but Lerysa has quite a few costume changes throughout the film. I ended up buying two;

This one needs taking up a little bit which I can do on the day to fit around Jo. 

This one I like! It suits Jo and the character and fits well.

Jo also tried on another one but it wasn't very flattering and was a weird shape.

I've also told Jo to bring a few shoes with her to shoot as well as her dresses, the white wig and some tacky accessories. 

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