Thursday 21 April 2016

Allurement Day 2: Filming

Director: Sarah Maher
Producer/Sound Op: Shaun Hunt
Camera Op: Ethan Turley
Stills Photographer/Bee Keeper: Jamie Jones

Today was the rescheduled picnic and battle scenes in Summerhill. The weather was lovely (got cold a bit later on, but was lovely and sunny!) Taxi was a bit touch and go with an actress still not arrived when it came (she caught it! We couldn't exactly leave without her). 

We started with the picnic scenes as we were close to dinner when we started shooting. I (with help from my Mam) catered everyone and make some chicken and cheese sandwiches for the crew and Samantha, and salad, tofu and cucumber sandwiches (all vegan friendly) for Jo. We had a bit of fun on the race track and got chased by bees a few times, but it was all good!

We did want the slider for this shoot, but Brad's group managed to get it even though we arranged that we would get it and Brad said we could as he said he wasn't filming on Thursday. But he changed his mind last minute which was a bit unfair. We were also given a dodgy tripod which was wobbly no matter how much we tightened it and a dodgy boom pole which could not tighten the grip properly. I hate how we get all the scraps of equipment and are put last. Lee said he gave us the good equipment too! I wonder what the bad equipment is like... 

Due to the sheer mass of equipment we had (we used the tracking dolly instead of the slider which was such an inconvenience), it was not possible to carry it all to the crater/events arena (where we wanted to film/where we filmed our test footage). We all had a group vote and decided to just film where we were- the boulders. Ethan took some persuading and spent about half an hour umming and ahing when we could have been setting up, so we all put our feet down and said we were filming here. We were completely safe around it! No one was battling people on top of them! 

I asked Jamie to see what shots/where to put the dolly and camera, and what rocks looked good.

Meanwhile, I walked the actresses to the main building to get dressed into battle outfits and to also do their make up. We scared a few kids, so it must have looked good!

I came back to see Ethan a bit upset (maybe because we couldn't carry all the equipment to the crater, but he needs to speak up exactly why!) so I tried to boost his morale. Ethan also wanted to work in a different shutter speed for effects (this video describes it better) but it changed the lighting significantly and just didn't look good, so we kept it the same.

We went over our wrap time by quite a bit due to Summerhill being so picturesque and thinking of new shot ideas. Luckily the actors were fine and understanding. I gave them their battle dresses as a thank you and a souvenir.

It all looked so good! The wind even picked up a little bit for the battle scenes which made it look cool with the dresses flying around! (however I have just watched it back and there's a boom pole in most of the shots. Shaun stepped in as sound op as Connor was absent but Ethan should have spoke up saying the boom was in shot and to go again). I might have to oversee booms in shots now, even though that should not be my job.

We all carried the equipment back to the main reception Me (also with the tripod on my back) and Shaun carried the dolly back with a few injuries (cuts and bruises) which has put us off using the dolly (really wanted the slider as we were walking a lot! We could have filmed at the crater if we had it!). Ethan was sighing with having to carry 4 tracks from the dolly (they were light to carry. I would have loved to swap for the track rather than the actual dolly any day!)

One thing we did not pack or plan for was sunburn! Everyone had sunburn the next day (it's literally the middle of April we should not be sunburnt). So we all came to shoot the next day looking like tomatoes (make up and aloe vera fixed this).

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