Friday 22 April 2016

Allurement Day 3: Filming

Director: Sarah Maher
Producer/Sound Op: Shaun Hunt
Camera Op: Ethan Turley
Stills Photographer/Hard Drive Looser: Jamie Jones

Today we did all the shots of June and Gartha in Gartha's study today and also some reshoots in Lerysa's interior (mostly close ups). We also wanted to do the field/spell scene today but I didn't quite realise how many shots we needed for all the dialogue scenes, so we focused on them and we will probably do the spell scene on Sunday. 

It all ran smoothly, June is a great actor and was very professional and friendly on set. We have some great bloopers from today (but also great footage too, of course)! 

I catered everyone again with cold pizza and sausage rolls. But some actors and crew ordered food in. 

We had a small argument for who was going to take what equipment. Most people couldn't as either the car was full, couldn't make it to shoot, and we didn't want to burden the actors with it. I could not have managed the tripod as I have quite a few props to bring, I could just manage the camera bag. Ethan said that he was going to take the camera home, even though I just said I wanted and pretty much had to as I didn't want to break my back. I also have to change quite a lot due to buses being a Sunday service and me having loads of bags. Even my Mam said she would come to shoot just to carry the tripod as Ethan didn't volunteer to take it! Eventually Ethan said he would take the tripod bag (he's a healthy lad and can manage it- we have proof he can run on camera!) 

Jo came at 4pm to do reshoots at the house we were using for Lerysa's interior. Most of the wides were usable but we had to reshoot the CUs. Jo also brought us a few travel brochures to film, to foreshadow travelling. Even though it would have been good to have them for the shots, we didn't include them in the wide, so there was a continuity issue. (I also noticed a continuity issue of the binoculars in the first shot we filmed when they shouldn't be. I will have to flag this up with Jamie)

Yup, all went well, all on time. I hope Connor will be with us on Sunday for at least one filming day. Roll on Sunday!

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