Wednesday 27 April 2016

Problem Solving/Continuity

Today me and Jamie noticed a lot of continuity problems when looking back at the footage. Some of them can be fixed, some can't. It is also too late to reshoot anything (as there is only 6 weeks in a module which isn't enough). I also know that professionally, some one is in charge of continuity so this won't happen again in the real world. This is a learning experience. We now know that someone needs to be constantly watching out for continuity issues. (red means the problem, green means it's fixed, and orange mean's we are trying to solve it) Here is a list of all the problems and how we are fixing them:

  • Nathan wears his beanie in one of the shots, and not the others - we have filmed 'Nathan' picking up a beanie. If this effects the pace of the film, we could always take out the shot before where is not wearing the beanie ("nonononono" (scene 10) and also the spell casting scene (9)) and take it as given he puts on a beanie between scenes. We have decided to cut our June's part in scene 10 due to the beanie shot as it effects the whole film, and we have decided it is not a major scene for him.
  • Jo wears her shawl in the wide of scene 22 but not the close ups - it is too noticeable to keep the wide so we have just had to use close ups. It's an intimate scene! :P
  • Dialogue varies a lot - we have tried our hardest to work around this. The visuals look fine, but we need to fix the sound and atmos so it's smooth. All fixed, we tried our best with what we had. 
  • WE ONLY HAVE 3 DAYS TO EDIT - Modules should be staggered so the edit suites aren't fully booked out and busy. We managed to book out a day and a half next week which should hopefully be enough. We managed to book out some more time and able to do the SFX downstairs in the base room. We are currently making good time.
  • Out of focus camera shots - we have done a few reshoots of the vital out of focus shots, but some have a few continuity issues (see shawl problem)
  • Jittery pan shots - this happens a few times. Once for a montage scene where we tilt up to see a love heart but it isn't smooth and looks awful. We will have to cut this out. And again for scene 11 where Gartha is tossing and turning in bed. We have intercut it with scenes of the battle so it looks smoother and also more dramatic. 
  • Bags and boom poles in shot - Jamie has edited these out in post, but they should have been spotted in production and moved.
  • Gartha types too fast and the only shots we have, have the forum on screen when it takes her a while to search - we have tried taking another screen grab with fast typing but can't seem to speed it up. We also don't have a close up of just Gartha's face. We have done our best to work around this and cut out unnecessary pauses in the screen grab and keep the dialogue. I like to think it works well.
  • Scene 2; Gartha looks at camera on only good tilt, binoculars in shot when they shouldn't be. Gartha poors an obviously empty cup, Gartha flicks her hair different ways, June holds his hands differently - we have edited around these. Time consuming (should have been spotted in production!), but complete.
  • Scene 5; we break the 180 degree rule - we are working on this. We might have to cut out the CU of Gartha that breaks the line. I didn't like the wide lots though as June is taller than Gartha. We have decided to keep both in and break the line as the shot is nice. 
  • Scene 7; Gartha moves backwards and forwards different ways in each shot. We also only have two shots of this scene (a CU and a wide) - this is a pretty big issue. Jamie is trying his best to edit around it, even if that means using mostly close ups or more of one shot rather than another. We only have two shots as Nathan was demanding that he needed to go home so we panicked and rushed to get the next scene done. We have edited around this, which took up most of the day to get it exactly right. We have decided to only keep the wide, which isn't ideal, but the CU's are completely unusable due to continuity.

In an ideal world, we would have had more time to fix these issues, but we didn't and we had to improvise and edit around them. 

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