Friday 15 April 2016

Allurement Day 1: Filming

Director: Sarah Maher
Producer and Sound: Shaun Hunt
Camera: Ethan Turley
Stills Photographer/Cat Keeper: Jamie Jones
Runner: Ruth Maher

Today we filmed all the scenes needed between just Gartha and Lerysa which was mostly Lerysa's and some of Gartha's interior. 

We had a few issues on the morning. Even though I wasn't at the Uni to experience them, I heard that we couldn't get equipment out even though we told Lee in advance (many days in advance) we would need equipment. Apparently level 5's took out the camera we asked for (giving them two to film with on shoot) and left us with nothing. I wish I was there because this is completely unacceptable and I would have kicked up a fuss. We put plenty of notice in and this should not have happened. I also heard at one point we might be getting a black magic to film with which I was ecstatic about! I've wanted to use one as soon as I saw the higher years use it. But apparently people got annoyed and was just "not possible" which was a bit upsetting (we are responsible!) So we had to make do with Shaun's camera and a mini DV. The aesthetic of the film will have to be low quality (which luckily matches what I had in mind for visual inspirations. See this blog post here.)

We booked two taxis; one for the actors and Jimbob, and one for Shaun, Ethan and the equipment. Both got lost. But both luckily got found easily again. While we were waiting for Shaun, we got set up and got the actors into costume and make up, and played with the cat.

It was about 12 noon when we actually started filming (we were hoping to be filming by 11 but the equipment troubles really set us back (I hope my crew said to Lee that they wanted to be on shoot by 11 and the whole thing was an inconvenience). 

We got quite a lot done! The only possible issue was sound as the owner was getting a new bathroom and the builder failed to know what "silence on set" meant. We moved to my house (Gartha's interior) in the poring rain at about 3:30pm to do a few quick montages of the two witches bonding. Everyone loved my house which was cool :-) To be honest, it's a little small and cluttered but we managed to fit everyone in somehow! A few cups of hot chocolate and biscuits (to warm up) later, we got our last shots done of the witches together! We finished filming at about 5:00 for Lerysa and 5:30 for Gartha (an hour from our estimated wrap but luckily the actors didn't mind).

We got so much done, even had time for some shots that I didn't have planned to film today! We are making good progress (despite only just casting this week!) and making a good comeback. Well done everyone!

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