Monday 11 April 2016


Since we were finally cast over Easter, me and Shaun worked closely to arrange shooting dates with the actors so they could be free on the days, the weather report, and also the locations to see if they could make the days. Shaun sent out an email today with possibly dates but our Lerysa can't make the shoot this weekend so we might have to film either early this week or late next. Also Mike has told us that equipment might be limited as there are loads of modules currently in production and filming. Fantastic. Since our team has not shot anything over Easter and are seriously behind since no female actors turned up to audition, we should get first dibs on equipment. 

Jamie spent today looking at more effects we could use for spells. He found this great tutorial to make a fireball spell from scratch. It took a while, but not he can copy and paste the effect to save time. The spell at first was static so I wanted it to move, which Jamie did without consulting the video (as it didn't say how and he already knew!) and it looks fantastic! You can even change the colour. I also like how he lit the end of the wand (also without a video tutorial). I asked him to look at possible spells for Gartha too and to look at making us fly when he is next booked into the edit suites. 

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