Monday 18 April 2016

Live Project 1 - Feedback

We have just got our feedback from Live Project today; mostly mixed feelings. This blog post is about what I took from my feedback.

First of all, I accept that it was hard to mark the work since we deviated from job roles, but if we didn't, the music video would not exist. Something in the feedback said that this wouldn't happen "professionally" but then again, people not turning up to shoots and not doing work is not professional either. 

The next few paragraphs are mostly about my personal feedback. At one point, I was told that my "directorial decisions are less". I'm not quite sure what this means and fails to say in the feedback- I will have to ask about this. 

The fall scene apparently "needed work" but I like to think we did it in a safe environment and still pulled it off. There's only so much you can do without harming your actors (risk assessment!) The story development also "needed work" but this was not my area- Janice came up with the pitch and idea for the music video, but she wanted to produce it as she was already ringing up roller derbys. 

I was also told that the female lead did not give a "believable performance". We did not get professional actors as no one turned up to auditions and we had to search the Uni for actors. Jess is not a actor and I like to think we did pretty well despite this and bless her soul for helping us out, she should not be criticised. Apparently the cutting of the arm needed more "weight", again not quite sure what this means, but it shows that she is a robot. The whole idea is that she does not appear to look like a robot, but when she cuts her arm, she is clearly a robot. I was told to be hyper critical of performances but I really can't think how we could make the performances better. 

I am proud of our final product and called it a "high quality piece of work" which I stick by, but apparently "a high quality product doesn't have six people in it when it is supposed to be a heaving dance night". I found that this was harsh, especially when we tried our hardest to fill up the dance floor. We asked multiple sites, multiple roller derbys, multiple people and all around the Uni for extras, but no one showed up. We did all that we could. I also need to nice "pitfalls of my work better" which I did and put on my blog, and we still make a high quality product! Yes we had a few rough moments, but we handled them well and I am proud of our team for doing this. 

My evaluation was again, weak, but I have no idea how to change this as it has happened each time now! I will again need to talk to someone about this and how to improve it.

But I am happy with the positive feedback I have gained; my blog is good and we handled ourselves well despite lack of actors and other unplanned factors. 

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