Tuesday 26 April 2016

Allurement Editing - Symmetrical Continuity

Today me and Jamie were in the edit suite until late due to us only having 3 days booked out due to a very busy editing suite with each level wanting to edit at the same time. We are focusing on the skeleton edit now, and hopefully to fine tune on Friday 6th before deadline (and edit the magic battle on the base room computers on after effects).

We had a few technical difficulties on the morning and couldn't edit until after 10. In the meantime, we tried doing a title for the film/credits. I had an idea that Allurement could be spelt out with stars, like a magic spell. We tried following a tutorial but it was impossible to draw the word Allurement, and looks too similar to the show Bewitched.


We have a lot of continuity issues (more about this can be found here) such as bags and boom poles in shot which have been edited around thanks to Jamie's mad skillz but should have been avoided in production. Ethan needs to speak up!! 

The tracking dolly shots looks amazing and was worth all the cuts and bruises, but the slider would have been much better to carry (still can't get my head around how one group had it all the time, and we had it no times). The symmetry for the mid shots are also great and looks like one continuous shot. Even though the sun shines and dips a lot, it works to our advantage: Gartha is in darkness and Lerysa is in light. 

For scene 10, we intercut Gartha sleeping with XCU's of the battle to make the pan look smoother and to also add dramatic impact. We made the cuts go faster and faster as Gartha tosses and turns and looks great as a result. 

One big continuity issue is that Jo wears her shawl in the wide of scene 22 (the end dialogue scene) but not her close ups. It is too late to reshoot anything (as there is only 6 weeks in a module which isn't enough) so we just had to use close ups (hey it's an intimate scene!)

Jo also dropped in today to see how editing was going (sadly we didn't have much to show her) but she seemed happy with the progress!

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