Thursday 28 April 2016

Allurement Editing - What

Today we continued editing. This was our last scheduled editing day, but I managed to get us some time next Wednesday to import the magic battle (which we can edit in the base room as they have after effects on it) and a little bit of time on Friday to export.

It took Jamie nearly all day to edit scene 5, 7 and 9 due to all the continuity issues and us only having two shots that were usable (actors fluffing up lines or bad camera work). Shaun managed to get a few on his camera but we have only just received them, so we can see if they can work on Wednesday.

We spotted a few more continuity issues such as us breaking the 180 degree rule in scene 5 (we still have to use the shot though as it's the only close up we have!) and also Gartha walking backwards and forwards at different times in both shots (this was a nightmare to edit and should have been avoided in production).

Brad then sent a message the group chat saying to come to the base room ASAP and it was worth it.

At the end of the day, we have a visual skeleton edit done! We just need to focus on the SFX and the audio now. (and maybe look at scene 20 to correct it as I quickly edited this and Jamie wants to tweak it)

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