Tuesday 1 November 2016

Doctor Strange - Review

Today I went to see the new Marvel movie, Doctor Strange. I decided to go on a weekday for a change and it was desolate. It was amazing. I had the whole screen to myself! 

At first, I thought I was going to be annoyed throughout after seeing an Ikea advert that pronounced "Ikea" with a lower case i. But luckily I soon forgot about it as soon as the new Marvel Studios logo appeared (which, is awesome, by the way).

Talking of special effects, they were absolutely stunning. When I watched the credits, the visual and special effects unit took up SO MUCH of the credits and I can see why. It even made me feel a bit travel sick at one point (the below scene).


Tilda is perfect casting... well the whole cast is really. Benedict made me dislike Strange at first with his arrogance which is exactly how he should be. The villain gave me serious make up goals. But the funniest character was by far the invisibility cloak. All I could think of when the cape was pulling Strange to the skeleton casing was


The soundtrack is also amazing and I love the occasional sitar to reflect the setting. The humour was a bit lacking in places, but where did include humour, it was really funny.

Only thing I would have liked to see more of is the villain plotting and his back story. There wasn't much dialogue either, and was mostly fight scenes (but hey that's every Marvel film ever).


The ending was a bit weird, but it worked, so yay I guess. The after credits scenes set up Thor: Ragnarok and Doctor Strange 2 (? I think) perfectly, which I am really excited about. I also liked the quote at the end of the credits saying to drive safely.

Can't really think of anything else to say! A stunning film, some funny parts, great fight scenes, perfect casting and acting. 


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