Wednesday 2 November 2016

British Legion Event Filming

This evening, all of the Digital pathway in level 5 helped film an event at the Billingham Forum Theatre for the British Legion. It involved an orchestra, singers and various performers. We arrived there a few hours earlier to set up and watch rehearsals, so we knew what we were doing and when. One major thing we needed to record is the poppies falling from the roof near the end of the show. I volunteered to camera op one of the cameras in the box's. I was focusing on close ups of people's faces and instruments. 

At the start of the show, we had to share a box with some trumpeters. I heard a few mumble under their breath that they could see me as the screen was against my face. I had to have the screen out as I was at an awkward angle (if I used the view finder I would have probably fell out the box). I used the viewfinder throughout the rest of the show. 

Near the end, I shared a box with another single trumpeter for the minute silence. I was focused on the poppy close up as I wasn't sure when it was going to happen and I didn't really want to move or sit down. I should have probably moved for a close up of the trumpeter as the poppies falling, I found out, didn't happen until after. And when they did happen, it didn't work and only 5 petals fell.

We could have probably live streamed this event if we brought the vision mixer, a few screens, the computer, and possibly the sound mixer (or could we have just hooked it up to the main sound desk?). We had three cameras recording (a multicam set up)- one set on a wide, one for the main action, and one on close ups. The person on the wide shot could have probably been vision and sound mixer. I can't imagine that we needed someone on the computer as I don't think we would have used any special effects. We might have also needed headsets so whoever was directing could tell the camera operators when to stop still. 

A photo posted by Film & Moving Image Production (@ccad_cfmip) on

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